Sunday, February 13, 2011

Notes from Presenation 2-22-11

5 Things we Can Do to Support Classroom Success:

1.  Support student self-determination
2.  Conference with & coach students
3.  Add layers of organization
4.  Learn Strategies to support instruction
5.  Be Proactive in Supporting behavior

Communication is key:

With teachers:

1.  Set shared goals
2.  Use “I” messages
3.  Create a menu for success

With students:

1. Promote independence- Think "self-determination"
2. Model thinking and decision making
3. Manage time efficiently  Download Powerpoint Timer

Bring Literacy Support

1. Rethink teaching materials (audio, visual, and text)
2. Use strategies BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER reading
Bring Behavior Support
  1. 3 C's:  Curriculum, Conditions, Consequences
  2. Think like Supernanny!
  3. Glaser's approach

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